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Thales Communications & Security (2012-2013)

Functional validation of an application ordered by the NATO organization and dedicated to military intelligence management

Technical environment : Microsoft .NET 3.5, C#, SQL Server 2008, IBM Doors, Jira

Gaité Lyrique Theater (2011)

Business analysis for launching the web site of the Gaîté Lyrique Theater, dedicated to numeric arts and music in Paris: www.gaite-lyrique.net

Technical environment : PHP 5, Drupal 6

GSK France Headquarters (2008)

Business analysis, data management and user support for the “medical visit efficiency” service: building tools for measuring data quality

Technical environment : Oracle 8, Excel, Access

ESSEC Cergy (2007)

Business analysis, managing three projects

Business analysis for implementing evolutions in the application which manages the students flats in ESSEC campus; helping technicians and users in implementing data flow automation between the different school information systems

Aniwa, web portal for dogs and cats owners (2006)

Functional and technical audit of the Aniwa web portal

Interlocutors: director of Aniwa, person in charge for the drafting, technical person in charge

  • Analyze functional and technical of the web site aniwa.com; external environment, costs of operation, retro-engineering of the data base
  • Development of proposals for an evolution, with resumption of the existing data and use of a content management system from the market (CMS)
  • Drafting and presentation of a document of audit
Technical environment: Windows 2000, ASP 3, SQL Server 2000

NTT Europe: telecommunication operator (2005)

Study of technical qualification, bearing on a Java smart card, in order to use it for projects of the type Everyday Life Card

nterlocutors: person in charge marketing Europe, two engineers NTT

  • Development and integration in the card of an electronic purse
  • Development and integration in the card of an applet intended for the users of a public library
  • Demonstrations and drafting of a test plan
  • Design and administration of a technical questionnaire for a market survey, bearing on the cards projects in Europe; examination and analyzis of results
  • Comparative study of ten cards projects in Europe, analyzes economic needs, architectures, models; determination of the factor-keys of success
Technical environment: card NTT Java, language of JavaCard development, tool Eclipses provided with plugin JCOP

Thales Communications & Security

Gaité Lyrique Theater

GSK France Headquarters


Aniwa, web portal for dogs and cats owners

NTT Europe: telecommunication operator

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