By business type
By activity sector
Training |
OPCA 3+ (2010)
Temps X, games and collecting cards supplier near Paris (2009)
BTR, car spare parts supplier in French Britany (2008)
Wyniwyg Normandy (2008)
AFPA Haute-Normandie Le Havre location (2007)
Training of a group of trainers to OpenOffice Writer and Calc (2 days)
- Input of text, formatted, lists, tables and diagrams, style sheet, model of document;
- Studied examples: simple mail, models mail, memo, telefax, bulletin of inscription, neswletter
Wyniwyg Normandy (2007)
AFPA Haute-Normandie Elbeuf location (2007)
Training of a group of trainees in Microsoft Access (1 day)
- To organize information according to a data model: fields, tables and relations;
- To feed the data base using forms;
- To seek the information stored in the base using requests;
- To present the information stored in the base using states.
Le Frère de la Côte, games and toys dealer, Saint-Malo (2006)
Training of the manager to the referencing of a e-business web site (1 day)
Objectives of a communication campaign on Internet;
Communication strategies on Internet: push and pull;
Natural referencing;
Paying referencing: sponsored links, purchase of key words.
Application: implementation and follow-up of a referencing campaign, for the e-business web site: choice of the key words, choice of the pages to be posted in answer to the requests, drafting of the descriptions and titles, optimization of the contents, post-clicks tracking.
French National Education Ministry, Paris (2006)
Training of an agent to the Excel macros and the VBA language (2 days)
Generali GPA, Paris (2006)
Training of a collaborator to the design of Internet sites using Dreamweaver (2 days)
- General organization of an Internet site;
- Working of the text, style sheets;
- Images, tables, links hypertexts, sets of frameworks;
- Forms, sites with dynamic contents, connection with a data base.
Les 3B, decoration supplier in Paris (2005)
Training of the shop manager to Microsoft Excel (2 days)
Days of Wonder: games editor and distributor (2005)
Training of two developers to programming under Linux (2 days)
- Programming system: Shell scripts;
- Consultation and update of bulky text files: Sed command, Awk language